No More Sitting On The Sidelines

When it comes to pushing God's Kingdom Agenda, we can't afford to sit on the slide of whose side we are on.

We are bold when communicating which sports team we want to win.

We are bold when telling people if we are TeamApple or TeamAndroid.

We are bold when it comes to sporting our alma mater

We are bold when it comes to wearing our sorority and fraternity gear

Yet when it comes to doing the work for Christ, we struggle to communicate and display that we are on his side

Today I am dropping 5 Jewels To Help You Go From Sideline Sitting to a Kingdom Agenda Pusher

Jewel #1: Stop Asking What Would Jesus Do( WWJD) and Start Reading What He Did

I know the good ole saying "What Would Jesus Do?" and I love it because it invites Jesus into the aspects of our lives; the documented life of Jesus. We don't have to wonder what he would do, and he must take the time to evaluate what he did and how we can apply his works to our lives. The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, with an estimated 5 billion copies sold and distributed(based on the fact that many bibles are given away many times throughout the year, it could be more); we can gain insight into his thought process, the way he moves, the way he broke barriers of prejudice and met the needs of the blind. Jesus is our blueprint. We no longer have to wonder about what he would do. We can move in boldness without competing, comparing, or compromising God's calling for us.

Jewel #2 Slow Down

I have been reading the Bible intentionally for about two years, and I never see Jesus in a rush; I never read about him running. I recently discovered the term "hurry sickness, "a continuous struggle and unremitting attempt to accomplish or achieve more and more things or participate in more and more events in less and less time. I never knew this term existed, yet as I read more about it, this is how I felt at some point in my life. One of the many ways we can honor Jesus and live like him is by slowing down, observing his creation, and looking being his hands and feet on the earth.

Jewel #3:Get Community

Jesus had 12; he also sent the 72 messengers two by two; Jesus desires for us to be in the community. He was the Messiah, and he had community, which makes us thinks we can go at this life alone. My community has covered me and allowed me to create and make mistakes in a safe environment. We need a community to carry God's crown for his children and us.

Jewel #4:See Yourself The Way Jesus See You

I used to read Urban Fiction books, and I loved those books. I would get lost in the stories, stay up all night, and read those books, yet when it came to the Bible, I struggled to read for 5 minutes consistently. The women were characterized as having almond-shaped eyes and scarlet lipstick on their lips. And these descriptors intrigued me because I was teased about my lips and eyes. Seeing these descriptions in bestselling books boosted my confidence. It never occurred to me to consider how I appeared to Jesus and when I did, I was transformed from the inside out rather than from the inside. My confidence is no longer based on fictional characters and is now based on a Father that's consistent in love.

Jewel #5: Walk It Out

Jesus was the walking word, and if we are going to be like him, we can't be neutral when it comes to our identity; we must know that we belong to God, we can't afford to sit on the slide, we can't afford to be on neutral ground. You are God's child. He loves you, forgives you, and created you; we take the time to apply jewels 1-4, and jewel 5 becomes easier to do. When you start to look back over your life and see God's consistent track record, jewel #5 becomes easier to do because ultimately, God sent his son not just for me but also for you. Walk. It. Out.

TEdra KnoxComment