I know you're wondering if there's space for Christ in your career. 

Intentionally or unintentionally you find yourself leaving Christ out of your daily work.

You struggle to celebrate others and wonder when your time will come genuinely.

Your Instructor

Hey There!!! I am T’Edra ! I experienced a phase of ceaseless scrolling, pondering why my life seemed stagnant and lacked fulfillment. Focused on proving my worth on stages, yearning for speaking engagements, and striving to be present in every room to assert my identity to the world. The practicalities of life didn't match the promises that God gave me. Recognizing the need to dismantle idols and address competition and comparison at their roots, I rediscovered who I was in Christ and learned that his gifts are to be used for his glory and anything other than that will result in chaos and lack of clarity. Now I am the girl who lives in the culture while putting on for the kingdom of God and I have a passion for coaching women to overcome competition and comparison and live a life of collaboration and celebration of self and others.


You are here because: 

You lack boundaries and are unable to communicate them to those you love and work with 

  • You are comparing yourself to others knowing you are qualified yet probably more qualified yet you're about to produce the results 

  • You are tired and exhausted from living a life that's pleasing to others and not knowing if or how you're pleasing God 

  • You're operating  from  unhealthy competition secretly trying to up someone else based on their social media post and/or career trajectory which hinders your ability to see your gifts clearly 

  • You're compromising your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to please  those you love and work with 

Imagine how your relationship with Christ and Career would be transformed if: 

You learned to be proactive in your relationship with Christ instead of reactive.

  • You established boundaries with those you love and work with 

  • You moved from comparison to celebrating  and from competing to collaborating with those you love and work with 

  • You stopped comprising on your spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being 

Listen, I know what it is like to operate from a place of competition and comparison when you see others doing the things you desire. God isn’t exposing you to their journey for you to compete, compare, or comprise your calling. His exposure is to shine a light on the jewels within you that need to be cultivated so you can move from competition and comparison to collaboration and celebration